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Tips and Tricks to Clean and Care for your Invisalign Aligners

“Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.” ~Connie Stevens

Well, that surely is true. A radiant smile, beaming with confidence just makes your day better. But what if you are hesitant to put your best smile forward. Is it because you don’t feel very confident with your old school braces?  Or your teeth aren’t well aligned and straight? 

The very reliable and comfortable Invisalign Aligners put an end to all such smile, bite and teeth alignment related issues. 

What are Invisalign Aligners?

Synonymous with the revolutionary brand name the Invisalign Aligners is a very one stop yet not visible solution for all your bite, teeth alignment and other orthodontic problems.  This smart yet aesthetic solution is made of flexible thermoplastic way less noticeable than the traditional braces or brackets. Also, they are very easy to use, accessible, and easily removable. 

As per the Invisalign specialists, these Invisalign aligners come with only one con of replacement every two weeks and extra special care and cleaning regime. 

How important is your Invisalign Aligner clean & care regime?

According to latest studies and invisalign specialists this is one of the most in-demand and popular orthodontic treatments available worldwide. It is an aesthetic yet super effective solution to your problems like crowded teeth, gap teeth, arch alignments and  several bite issues. Thereby the product is widely accepted among the masses despite its rigorous cleaning needs. 

But the burning question is how often and how must an invisalign aligner user clean them, as it is changed every two weeks. As per the invisalign specialists or the teeth aligner doctors this product demands care and mindful cleaning. On an average the aligners are in a person’s mouth for roughly 16-18 hours a day. Hence, if not cleaned properly it does get plenty of time for plaque and disease causing bacteria build up. Which can eventually lead to gum diseases and cavities, smelly mouth and bad breath. Moreover, these aligners if not cleaned well might also get stained and discoloured. 

Who would really want to put on stained or smelly aligners?

The answer is absolutely none right! Cause nobody would want to smile with stained teeth. So for the lovely and confident smile that one has invested in, following the clean and care routine is a must.

5 Best Practices for your Invisalign Aligners Cleaning & Care

So here’s some invisalign specialist recommended cleaning best practices for all new and old users.

  • Clean the Invisalign Aligners twice a day

That’s right, specialists say that cleaning them twice a day prevents any kind of germ or bacterial build up. If it is not possible to brush after every meal it is recommended to at least rinse off under running water to remove any stuck food particles.

  • Brush and Wash Invisalign Aligners in lukewarm water

Users are instructed to gently brush the aligners with a soft bristle toothbrush twice a day and rinse off in lukewarm water. If meticulously done this minimises the chances of germ and bacteria build up.

  • Use the right type of Invisalign Aligner cleaner

Abrasive cleaners and harsh toothpastes are a strict no while cleaning your aligners. These tend to leave tiny and invisible scratches and eventually damage them. It is advised to use only specifically designed cleaners prescribed by your teeth aligner doctor/orthodontist. 

  • Soak your Invisalign Aligner in cleaning crystals

To further ensure the prevention of bacteria build up, foul odour, and staining of aligner trays it is recommended to soak them in the Invisalign cleaning crystals at least once a day. Add the instructed amount of water, the cleaning crystals and leave the aligners in the solution for about 15 minutes. Once soaked you can brush them and rinse off.

  • Always keep your Invisalign Aligners in their dedicated case

Storing them in a dedicated safe place when not in use is the best way to prevent germ build up or damage. Hence, the available Invisalign cases are the best places to keep them when eating, drinking or not in use.

It is a well known fact today that these Invisalign aligners are one of the most demanded products even in India. So if you are facing dental or orthodontics problems in and around Panchkula, Haryana choose for the best clinical solution provider- iAlign Dentist

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